Yutaka Murakami(ユタカ ムラカミ)
since 1961.10.11 - 2019.3.13

2004 年(平成16年)頃より、神社仏閣に受ける多くのイメージを表現する手段として、吉兆に関わる
Born in Takarazuka, Hyogo Prefecture, he took an interest in Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples from a young age, which led him to begin independent research into modern Shinto and ancient Shinto traditions.
Starting in 2004, he showed his talent through the calligraphy and paintings he created of the good omens shrines and temples are known to offer.
Mt. Fuji-focused Artist
2015年(平成27年)7月27日、富士山山頂浅間大社奥宮に富士山の絵「大開運富士 豊栄のぼり」を奉納。百年に一度のご神事に奉納されたこの作品は、百年遺産として2015年(平成27年)から百年間、富士山山頂に飾られる絵になりました。
「今、この時も、富士山山頂から世界平和の祈りが届くように」そんな願いを込めて奉納した作品のエネルギーと、 Yutaka Murakami(ムラカミ ユタカ)の思いを後世に伝えるために、「富士山頂画家」と銘打ちました。
On July 27, 2015, his painting, “Sunrise at the Auspicious Mt. Fuji ,” was placed as an offering at Sengen Taisha Shrine’s Okumiya Shrine atop Mt. Fuji.
At a once in a century ceremony, this work was made a centennial heritage item, and will remain on display at the summit of Mt. Fuji for 100 years from 2015.
The work was offered as a prayer for world peace from atop the summit of Mt. Fuji, and in order to pass this passion, along with the hopes of Yutaka Murakami himself, he is now known as the artist of Mt. Fuji’s summit.

Painting offered at Sengen Taisha’s
Okumiya Shrine atop Mt. Fuji

Painting offered at Sengen Taisha’ss
Okumiya Shrine atop Mt. Fuji
The Beauty of the Japanese Soul Can be Seen in Mt. Fuji
Creative passion was poured into these works, showing that the beauty of the Japanese soul can be witnessed in Mt. Fuji.
Through his works, Murakami showed the world the beauty of Mt. Fuji, and thus the beauty of the Japanese spirit. He worked faithfully and dutifully at his craft, believing that art can aid in bringing peace and tranquility to people around the globe.
His paintings and fortune calligraphy works have been used as offerings at numerous shrines.
His painting offered at Sengen Taisha Shrine’s Okumiya Shrine atop Mt. Fuji in particular has become a centennial heritage item, and will remain on display at the summit of Mt. Fuji for 100 years from 2015.
His works are thought to bring good fortune, and as such are favored by executives, medical professionals, and many leaders in society today, and were often used as gifts for celebrations and achievements.

Stained glass depiction of Mt. Fujis
offered at Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha

Delivering painting to Sengen Taisha’ss
Okumiya Shrine atop Mt. Fuji
Yutaka Murakami’s Achievements
1961 年 | 兵庫県宝塚市にて誕生 Born in Takarazuka, Hyogo Prefecture |
1987 年 | 大学在学中に学習塾「村上塾」を開業地元宝塚にて数年で7校まで展開 当時では斬新なPC 教育プログラムを導入 Founded the “Murakami Juku” cram school while still a university student, and expanded to seven locations throughout his home city of Takarazuka in just a few years. Utilized what was then a revolutionary PC-based educational program. |
1991 年 | 結婚 Married |
1993 年 | 学習に使うパソコンの電磁波から生徒たちを守れると備長炭の存在を知る 和歌山の窯に定期的に訪問 Learned that white charcoal can protect students from electromagnetic waves produced by PCs in the classroom. He then made regular visits to a charcoal kiln in Wakayama Prefecture. |
1995 年 | 阪神淡路大震災にて被災 同年 長女あずさが誕生 Impacted by the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. Eldest daughter, Azusa, born the same year. |
1997 年 | 震災にて7校のうち半数以上が倒壊し閉校を決意 After a majority of the seven cram schools collapsed during the earthquake, Murakami decided to close down the business. |
1997 年 | 「せきぜんいんとく社」に社名を変更備長炭の窯を買収し販売事業を開始 After changing the company name to “Sekizenintokusha,” Murakami acquired a charcoal kiln and began a business to sell white charcoal. |
1998 年 | 次女まどかが誕生 Second daughter, Madoka, is born. |
1999 年 | 和歌山の窯を訪問した際、気功の師匠に出会い気功を習得。全国各地から多数の患者様を施術 Met a Qigong teacher during a visit to a kiln in Wakayama and began to practice Qigong. Treated numerous patients across Japan. |
2002 年 | 四国八十八箇所を巡拝 Performed the 88 temple pilgrimage in Shikoku. |
2006 年 | 開運メッセージの配信をスタート Began performing Fortune Messages online. |
2018年 | 平成30年 2月11日 出雲大神宮にて開運祭催行 February 11 – Visit to the Izumo Daijingu Shrine Kaiun Festival |

February 11, 2018 –
Visit to the Izumo Daijingu Shrine Kaiun Festival

Treating a patient in Takarazuka’s Qigong Room
2008 – 2018: Bestowed “fortune” calligraphy works on those selected as the lucky men of the year at Nishinomiya Shrine’s Ebisu Festival.

Regular Qigong offerings on the 15th of every month at Izumo Daijingu Shrine in Kyoto
伊勢神宮(三重県)及び125社巡り / 出雲大社(島根県)・売布神社(兵庫県)伊弉諾神宮(兵庫県)/
枚岡神社( 大阪府) / 富士浅間大社(静岡県) / 泉涌寺(京都府)
(Also made regular visits to the following shrines and temples)
Ise Jingu Grand Shrine, a complex of 125 distinct shrines (Mie), Izumo Taisha Shrine (Shimane), Mefu Shrine (Hyogo), Izanagi Shrine (Hyogo),
Hiraoka Shrine (Osaka), Sengen Taisha Shrine (Shizuoka), Sennyu-ji Temple (Kyoto)
アーティスト Yutaka Murakami(ユタカムラカミ)の功績
Yutaka Murakami’s Artistic Achievements
2015年 5月 May 2015 | 京都 ジェイプライドビルにて初個展を開催 Held first private exhibit at the J-PRIDE building in Kyoto. |
2015年 7月 July 2015 | 百年に一度の式年遷宮で富士山頂浅間大社奥宮に富士山の絵 「 大開運富士 豊栄のぼり 」を奉納 “Sunrise at the Auspicious Mt. Fuji” placed as an offering at Sengen Taisha Shrine’s Okumiya Shrine atop Mt. Fuji during a once in a century ceremony. |
2015年 11月 November 2015 | ザ・プラザホテルニューヨークにて個展を開催 Held a solo exhibit at The Plaza Hotel in New York. |
2016年 7月 July 2016 | 銀座ギャラリーゴトウにて個展を開催 Held a solo exhibit at Gallery Goto in Ginza. |
2016年 8月 August 2016 | 富士山頂浅間大社奥宮にて個展を開催 Held solo exhibit at Sengen Taisha Shrine’s Okumiya Shrine atop Mt. Fuji. |
2016年 9月 September 2016 | アメリカ・サンディエゴ ラホーヤにて個展を開催 Held a solo exhibit in La Jolla, San Diego, U.S. |
2016年 11月 November 2016 | 京都山猫軒にて個展を開催 Held a solo exhibit at Yamanekoken in Kyoto. |
2016年 11月 November 2016 | 富士山の見えるゴルフ場にてドラコン大会のスポンサー Was a sponsor for the long drive competition held at a golf course with a view of Mt. Fuji. |
2017年 1月 January 2017 | アメリカ西海岸の生活情報誌Lighthouse1月号表紙に「 日輪の開運富士 」が掲載 “The Sun Behind the Auspicious Mt. Fuji” was used as the cover for the January edition of the U.S. west-coast lifestyle magazine, Lighthouse. |
2017年 2月 February 2017 | 神戸にて「 Yutaka Murakamiステンドグラスの世界 」個展を開催 Held the “Yutaka Murakami – Stained Glass World” solo exhibit in Kobe. |
2017年 3月 March 2017 | アメリカ・シリコンバレー アップル社を表敬訪問 Made a courtesy visit to Apple HQ in Silicon Valley, U.S. |
2017年 3月 March 2017 | サンディエゴ ラホーヤにて個展を開催 Held a solo exhibit in La Jolla, San Diego. |
2017年 5月 May 2017 | 成田空港国際線出発ロビーにて個展開催 Held a solo exhibit at the International Departure Lobby at Narita Airport. |
2017年 5月 May 2017 | 時計メーカーにデザイン提供 Supplied designs for a watch brand. |
2017年 9月 September 2017 | バンコク日本博(旧JAPAN EXPO IN THAILAND)出展 Exhibited works at Nippon Haku Bangkok (formerly Japan Expo in Thailand) |
2017年 11月 November 2017 | フランス・パリにて個展開催 Held a solo exhibit in Paris, France |
2018年 1月 January 2018 | TV出演「 葛飾北斎に挑む!〜富士山に魅せられた画家〜 」 Appeared on the TV program: “Taking on Katsushika Hokusai! – Artists Charmed by Mt. Fuji” |
2018年 11月 November 2018 | アメリカ・サンディエゴ バルボアパーク京セラ茶室にて個展開催 Held a solo exhibit at the Inamori Pavilion in Balboa Park, San Diego, U.S. |
2019年 1月 January 2019 | アメリカ ロサンゼルス トーランスにて個展を開催 Held a solo exhibit in Torrance, Los Angeles, U.S. |
2019年 1月 January 2019 | Yutaka Murakami art square 堂島サロンをOPEN Opened the Yutaka Murakami art square Dojima Salon |
2019年 3月 March 2019 | Yutaka Murakami(ユタカムラカミ)57歳の生涯を終える Yutaka Murakami passed away at the age of 57. |
2019年 5月 May 2019 | 長女 村上あずさが成田空港国際線出発ロビーにて新元号富士を展示 Murakami’s eldest daughter, Azusa Murakami, held the “Mt. Fuji in the New Era” exhibit at the Narita Airport International Departure Lobby. |
2019年 6月 June 2019 | 宝塚市役所に「 紫雲彩光 吉祥富士 」を寄贈 “Purple Clouds and Colored Lights Over an Auspicious Mt. Fuji” was donated to the Takarazuka City Hall. |
2019年 10月 October 2019 | 株式会社 米谷にて複製画販売開始 Began selling reproductions of paintings at Yonetani Co., Ltd. |
2020年 7月 July 2020 | 株式会社 米谷の社内に北大阪ギャラリーをOPEN The Kita-Osaka Gallery opens in the building of Yonetani Co., Ltd. |